Congratulations Sensei Mirza - On His Recent Award


Congratulations to Sensei J.B. Mirza who has received a prestigious award from Sensei Patrick McCarthy of the IRKRS Organization.

“On behalf of the IRKRS I’d like to congratulate and wish you the best of luck in your continued efforts.

The fighting arts condition the body, cultivate the mind and nurture the spirit, in an effort to improve health, its holistic purpose; be better prepared to protect oneself, its defensive application; build moral character, its social aim; discover and overcome the source human weakness; its philosophical nature; and finally, to know inner-peace, its spiritual essence.

.....know that you are loved and appreciated more than you may realize.

"Blessed are they who have learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.”

Karate is for life.”

Patrick McCarthy
Hanshi 9th Dan